Mabuk Cinta Halal

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Thursday, January 24, 2008


Benar-benar mehnah-Mu menyeksa batinku
Memahitkan rasa bila cuba ku telan
Memeritkan jiwa bila cuba ku tahan

Kesedihan lantaran mehnah ini
Menjadikan hatiku tunduk pada-Mu
Membuatkan perasaanku lembut dan sayu
Menggerakkan jiwaku merintih pada-Mu
Setelah kian lama alpa dan tersasar

Kalau mehnah itu untuk menduga imanku
Berilah aku hati yang redha menerimanya
Kerana redha-Mu lebih berharga dari kesenangan dunia ini

Andai mehnah-Mu untuk menegurku
Berilah aku hati yang sedar
Kerana kadang-kadang hatiku buta menafsir maksud-Mu

Jika mehnah-Mu itu untuk kaffarah dosaku
Berilah aku hati yang sabar
Kerana ampunan-Mu lebih ku damba dari segalanya

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Small Deeds - Native Deen

Best jugak nasyeed rap ni..:)

Ever been on a drive? Inside in your ride

And your looking through the glass, see a car on the side

The engine's broken and the car is smoking

And the dude is shaking cause the heat is baking

Or this cat's (guy) gotta flat, and the spare's all whack

No jack in the back, and no clue where he's at

There ain't no real rush, but you roll right by

Not even asking the guy if he needs a supply

He might be alright, and to pass ain't a sin

But within you feel bad the state that he's in

How hard would it been, just to ask

That might be the deed that you need to succeed

That might be the deed that will so please Allah

That your forgiven the sinning you did when you was living

It's a small little thing, that can cling and just ring

And will bring the blessing from Allah Who's the King

We pass on the deeds cause they seem all small

But it might be the deed that's the best of them all

Mad when see all the passes I took

On these small little deeds I just overlook


I just can't believeSmall little deeds that I overlook, can you see?

Little deeds that I overlook, and you read

I read about it in my holy book, it says

Small deeds never overlook

Picking up trash on the path in a flash

Taking glass from the grass, as you pass to your class

A smile goes a mile and is sure worthwhile

When a brother's hostile, and has been for awhile

Put a dollar every day in the sadaqah (charity)

It may be small but you do it for the baraka (blessing)

I know you're saving for the Polo and the Nautica

A poor student but you do it just to please Allah

Things like praying for an ailing brother, under the weather

Obeying yo your lovely mother, it's for the better

Stay and help your baby brother, put on a sweater

Even saying good to one another when you're together

Advice to another sister about a mister

Your wife always go and kiss her, tell her you miss her

At night do quiet dikhr (mentioning God), and pray the witr

Invite a guy who wants to bicker, to share a snicker

Grand plans expand in our small little hands

But we overlook demands that just seem like strands

We get jammed on exams, cause we skip the small things

Small baby deeds come, bring the blessings!


I just can't believe

Small little deeds that I overlook, can you see?

Little deeds that I overlook, and you read

I read about it in my holy book, it says

Small deeds never overlook

Saturday, January 05, 2008


Tanggal 29 Disember 2007, saya menghadiri walimah saudara Muhtar Haji Suhaili yang merupakan Presiden Yayasan Amal dan aktif dalam program keagamaan dan kemasyarakatan setempat. Walimahnya bertempat di Kampung Muhibbah, Miri. Tahniah diucapkan buat beliau dan isterinya, Wan Lydia. Didoakan semoga dapat membina rumahtangga yang barakah dan bahagia hingga ke akhirat. Saya mendapat pengalaman baru yang belum pernah saya alami sebelumnya, melihat budaya masyarakat Bugis di Miri yang agak berbeza dengan budaya masyarakat Melayu Sarawak.


Banyak perkara yang saya bincangkan dengan teman saya, gadis Kristian yang manis itu dalam perjalanan ke kedai makan tempoh hari. Kami bercerita perihal tugasan di hospital dan juga persiapannya dalam menghadapi majlis perkahwinannya tahun hadapan. Kagum saya dengan buah fikirannya tentang kepentingan memilih pasangan hidup yang seiring dan sefahaman dari segi pengamalan agama. “If you are a Godly type of person, you need to choose a Godly person, ” komennya. “Ya, accepting a person just because he loves you are not good enough. You need to choose a person who thinks in the same way as you,” saya menyambung.

“Aishah, I just want to ask you one question about Islam, about why Islam allowed a man to marry more than a woman in the same time. I really can’t accept it, “ saya terkedu sesaat dengan soalannya. Terus terang, saya belum pernah bersedia untuk menjawab soalan sedemikian.

Saya menarik nafas, diam sebentar sambil merenung wajahnya. Subhanallah.. “You mean that you don’t agree with polygamy is it?” saya menarik nafas lagi lalu menyambung, “ Al-Quran there’s a verse mentioning about polygamy: ‘Married the woman you like whether two, three or four. But if you are afraid that you can’t be fair to them, (marrying) one is enough.’ So before a man decide to marry a second wife, they need to think deeply whether they can treat the wives fairly or not. Most of people can’t be fair and I admit that there’s a lot of man practice polygamy just for the sake of ‘nafsu’. But I know several people who manage to build a harmony family with polygamy.” Teman saya mengangguk-angguk tanda faham.

“Probably you’ve heard about our Prophet Muhammad who married more than 4 women. At that time it was the early phase of Islam spread. Many people claimed that he married lot of woman because of sexual purpose. But if we know the history, almost all the women that he married were old and widowers and he married them to strengthen their faith towards Islam. Our prophet is a special case because he’s a perfect person and all the actions were guided by Allah and has its own purposes. At that time the syariat regarding polygamy also has not yet being established. He married those ladies not because of sex, but to help in strengthen his da’wah mission.”

Teman saya mengangguk-angguk lagi.

“I have a sweet history regarding how fair Prophet Muhammad was. One day, all the wives gathered in front of him and ask him who among the wives that he loves the most? Prophet Muhammad smiled and asked them to go back and will tell the person personally that she is the one who he loves the most. When all the wives went back, he bought few rings and brought them to the houses of each wives. He met every one of them personally and gave a ring to each of them and said that he loves her the most and advised everyone not to tell the others to avoid jealousy. That is the story about how fair Prophet Muhammad is and how good is his akhlaq towards his wives.” Teman saya tersenyum mendengar cerita tersebut. “It’s funny and cute,” komennya sambil tersenyum.

“I understood that almost all women can’t accept polygamy. I myself also if possible want to avoid polygamy. But I accept the fact that polygamy is one of the things that is allowed in Islam and has its own hikmah or goodness and if anybody denied it, it’s a sin.” Saya menyambung lagi.

Perbualan kami kemudianya beralih ke topik lain. Hati saya masih ditinggalkan dengan persoalan apakah saya telah menjawab soalan itu sebaiknya dan dalam masa yang sama menjaga nama baik Islam dan menyampaikan pada teman saya tentang keindahan Islam. Saya insaf betapa perlunya saya sentiasa bersedia dengan ilmu dan hujah dalam apa pun keadaan!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Benar-benar mehnah-Mu menyeksa batinku
Memahitkan rasa bila cuba ku telan
Memeritkan jiwa bila cuba ku tahan

Kesedihan lantaran mehnah ini
Menjadikan hatiku tunduk pada-Mu
Membuatkan perasaanku lembut dan sayu
Menggerakkan jiwaku merintih pada-Mu
Setelah kian lama alpa dan tersasar

Kalau mehnah itu untuk menduga imanku
Berilah aku hati yang redha menerimanya
Kerana redha-Mu lebih berharga dari kesenangan dunia ini

Andai mehnah-Mu untuk menegurku
Berilah aku hati yang sedar
Kerana kadang-kadang hatiku buta menafsir maksud-Mu

Jika mehnah-Mu itu untuk kaffarah dosaku
Berilah aku hati yang sabar
Kerana ampunan-Mu lebih ku damba dari segalanya

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Small Deeds - Native Deen

Best jugak nasyeed rap ni..:)

Ever been on a drive? Inside in your ride

And your looking through the glass, see a car on the side

The engine's broken and the car is smoking

And the dude is shaking cause the heat is baking

Or this cat's (guy) gotta flat, and the spare's all whack

No jack in the back, and no clue where he's at

There ain't no real rush, but you roll right by

Not even asking the guy if he needs a supply

He might be alright, and to pass ain't a sin

But within you feel bad the state that he's in

How hard would it been, just to ask

That might be the deed that you need to succeed

That might be the deed that will so please Allah

That your forgiven the sinning you did when you was living

It's a small little thing, that can cling and just ring

And will bring the blessing from Allah Who's the King

We pass on the deeds cause they seem all small

But it might be the deed that's the best of them all

Mad when see all the passes I took

On these small little deeds I just overlook


I just can't believeSmall little deeds that I overlook, can you see?

Little deeds that I overlook, and you read

I read about it in my holy book, it says

Small deeds never overlook

Picking up trash on the path in a flash

Taking glass from the grass, as you pass to your class

A smile goes a mile and is sure worthwhile

When a brother's hostile, and has been for awhile

Put a dollar every day in the sadaqah (charity)

It may be small but you do it for the baraka (blessing)

I know you're saving for the Polo and the Nautica

A poor student but you do it just to please Allah

Things like praying for an ailing brother, under the weather

Obeying yo your lovely mother, it's for the better

Stay and help your baby brother, put on a sweater

Even saying good to one another when you're together

Advice to another sister about a mister

Your wife always go and kiss her, tell her you miss her

At night do quiet dikhr (mentioning God), and pray the witr

Invite a guy who wants to bicker, to share a snicker

Grand plans expand in our small little hands

But we overlook demands that just seem like strands

We get jammed on exams, cause we skip the small things

Small baby deeds come, bring the blessings!


I just can't believe

Small little deeds that I overlook, can you see?

Little deeds that I overlook, and you read

I read about it in my holy book, it says

Small deeds never overlook

Saturday, January 05, 2008


Tanggal 29 Disember 2007, saya menghadiri walimah saudara Muhtar Haji Suhaili yang merupakan Presiden Yayasan Amal dan aktif dalam program keagamaan dan kemasyarakatan setempat. Walimahnya bertempat di Kampung Muhibbah, Miri. Tahniah diucapkan buat beliau dan isterinya, Wan Lydia. Didoakan semoga dapat membina rumahtangga yang barakah dan bahagia hingga ke akhirat. Saya mendapat pengalaman baru yang belum pernah saya alami sebelumnya, melihat budaya masyarakat Bugis di Miri yang agak berbeza dengan budaya masyarakat Melayu Sarawak.


Banyak perkara yang saya bincangkan dengan teman saya, gadis Kristian yang manis itu dalam perjalanan ke kedai makan tempoh hari. Kami bercerita perihal tugasan di hospital dan juga persiapannya dalam menghadapi majlis perkahwinannya tahun hadapan. Kagum saya dengan buah fikirannya tentang kepentingan memilih pasangan hidup yang seiring dan sefahaman dari segi pengamalan agama. “If you are a Godly type of person, you need to choose a Godly person, ” komennya. “Ya, accepting a person just because he loves you are not good enough. You need to choose a person who thinks in the same way as you,” saya menyambung.

“Aishah, I just want to ask you one question about Islam, about why Islam allowed a man to marry more than a woman in the same time. I really can’t accept it, “ saya terkedu sesaat dengan soalannya. Terus terang, saya belum pernah bersedia untuk menjawab soalan sedemikian.

Saya menarik nafas, diam sebentar sambil merenung wajahnya. Subhanallah.. “You mean that you don’t agree with polygamy is it?” saya menarik nafas lagi lalu menyambung, “ Al-Quran there’s a verse mentioning about polygamy: ‘Married the woman you like whether two, three or four. But if you are afraid that you can’t be fair to them, (marrying) one is enough.’ So before a man decide to marry a second wife, they need to think deeply whether they can treat the wives fairly or not. Most of people can’t be fair and I admit that there’s a lot of man practice polygamy just for the sake of ‘nafsu’. But I know several people who manage to build a harmony family with polygamy.” Teman saya mengangguk-angguk tanda faham.

“Probably you’ve heard about our Prophet Muhammad who married more than 4 women. At that time it was the early phase of Islam spread. Many people claimed that he married lot of woman because of sexual purpose. But if we know the history, almost all the women that he married were old and widowers and he married them to strengthen their faith towards Islam. Our prophet is a special case because he’s a perfect person and all the actions were guided by Allah and has its own purposes. At that time the syariat regarding polygamy also has not yet being established. He married those ladies not because of sex, but to help in strengthen his da’wah mission.”

Teman saya mengangguk-angguk lagi.

“I have a sweet history regarding how fair Prophet Muhammad was. One day, all the wives gathered in front of him and ask him who among the wives that he loves the most? Prophet Muhammad smiled and asked them to go back and will tell the person personally that she is the one who he loves the most. When all the wives went back, he bought few rings and brought them to the houses of each wives. He met every one of them personally and gave a ring to each of them and said that he loves her the most and advised everyone not to tell the others to avoid jealousy. That is the story about how fair Prophet Muhammad is and how good is his akhlaq towards his wives.” Teman saya tersenyum mendengar cerita tersebut. “It’s funny and cute,” komennya sambil tersenyum.

“I understood that almost all women can’t accept polygamy. I myself also if possible want to avoid polygamy. But I accept the fact that polygamy is one of the things that is allowed in Islam and has its own hikmah or goodness and if anybody denied it, it’s a sin.” Saya menyambung lagi.

Perbualan kami kemudianya beralih ke topik lain. Hati saya masih ditinggalkan dengan persoalan apakah saya telah menjawab soalan itu sebaiknya dan dalam masa yang sama menjaga nama baik Islam dan menyampaikan pada teman saya tentang keindahan Islam. Saya insaf betapa perlunya saya sentiasa bersedia dengan ilmu dan hujah dalam apa pun keadaan!