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Friday, October 07, 2011

Raising Baby Ameen

It has been almost 8 months since Baby Ameen was born and cheering up our life. Alhamdulillah, for the precious gift from Allah, he is definitely belongs to Allah and is granted to us to be raised and built as a good servant and khalifah of Allah. There were a lot of changes happen to my life with the presence of Baby Ameen, most of it are a positive but of course with various challenges to be faced.

As a mother who really wishes to gain Allah’s love, I always pray that Ameen will grow up to be a true muslim, a good one. I always talk to him while he was playing and whisper to him while he was sleeping that he will be a good boy, good servant and khalifah of Allah. Being working in the medical line, seeing everyday how our new generations had been lost from the right path of Islam sometimes make me feel worried about Ameen’s future and his capability of facing the world.

A lot of questions started to rise in my mind: I started to think about which school am I going to send him to? Will I have enough time as a working mother (who at the same time wish to pursue in master program) to give him enough love and attention and educate him properly? Will I be able to be a good wife and mother like Ummul Mukminin Khadijah r.a. as how I always wish to be? Should I proceed with my ambition to be a specialist in my area of interest and at the same time success in managing my family?

And the questions come again: What is my niat? Am I doing those things for the sake of Allah or just to fulfil my interest? Do I know my priority? If other people can, why can’t I? If my niat is pure that I’m doing this for Allah, why would I doubt that Allah will ease my way and always help me?

Raising Baby Ameen, being a good wife and mother is my responsibility, which will be questioned by Allah in the Yaumul Hisab. My ambition to further my study should be based on the niat of fulfilling the fardhu kifayah need in my community. All the tasks should be done in the very best way as they are a part of my journey towards Allah and his Paradise.

O Allah, please grant this weak servant some strength to do the best in raising Baby Ameen and at the same time contributing to the ummah. Please help me o Allah. Amin….


  1. amin ya Rab! lamak benar sik menelaah tulisan Ummu Ameen :')

  2. Ummu Ameen ketandusan idea...moga diberi-Nya keterangan jiwa..:)...amin....

  3. Aminnn. [: Lamak sik singgah * sndirik pun xtersinggah* Ameen comel. Moga jd anak yg solehh.

  4. tumpang lalu.... jalan2 kat google, pandey tertemu muka ameen dah hihihi :))
    follow blog mek aa :D


Friday, October 07, 2011

Raising Baby Ameen

It has been almost 8 months since Baby Ameen was born and cheering up our life. Alhamdulillah, for the precious gift from Allah, he is definitely belongs to Allah and is granted to us to be raised and built as a good servant and khalifah of Allah. There were a lot of changes happen to my life with the presence of Baby Ameen, most of it are a positive but of course with various challenges to be faced.

As a mother who really wishes to gain Allah’s love, I always pray that Ameen will grow up to be a true muslim, a good one. I always talk to him while he was playing and whisper to him while he was sleeping that he will be a good boy, good servant and khalifah of Allah. Being working in the medical line, seeing everyday how our new generations had been lost from the right path of Islam sometimes make me feel worried about Ameen’s future and his capability of facing the world.

A lot of questions started to rise in my mind: I started to think about which school am I going to send him to? Will I have enough time as a working mother (who at the same time wish to pursue in master program) to give him enough love and attention and educate him properly? Will I be able to be a good wife and mother like Ummul Mukminin Khadijah r.a. as how I always wish to be? Should I proceed with my ambition to be a specialist in my area of interest and at the same time success in managing my family?

And the questions come again: What is my niat? Am I doing those things for the sake of Allah or just to fulfil my interest? Do I know my priority? If other people can, why can’t I? If my niat is pure that I’m doing this for Allah, why would I doubt that Allah will ease my way and always help me?

Raising Baby Ameen, being a good wife and mother is my responsibility, which will be questioned by Allah in the Yaumul Hisab. My ambition to further my study should be based on the niat of fulfilling the fardhu kifayah need in my community. All the tasks should be done in the very best way as they are a part of my journey towards Allah and his Paradise.

O Allah, please grant this weak servant some strength to do the best in raising Baby Ameen and at the same time contributing to the ummah. Please help me o Allah. Amin….


  1. amin ya Rab! lamak benar sik menelaah tulisan Ummu Ameen :')

  2. Ummu Ameen ketandusan idea...moga diberi-Nya keterangan jiwa..:)...amin....

  3. Aminnn. [: Lamak sik singgah * sndirik pun xtersinggah* Ameen comel. Moga jd anak yg solehh.

  4. tumpang lalu.... jalan2 kat google, pandey tertemu muka ameen dah hihihi :))
    follow blog mek aa :D
